August 4

Vendor Fair,
Saturday Night Banquet,
and Fashion Show and Auction

We wake up to one more view of the airport.

Vendor Fair

The Vendor Fair was divided into two rooms. Here are the non-apparel vendors.

Marita Fowler, author of the adventure book series starting with Fat Assassins and Fat Bodyguards

S. Beadjoux, accessory artisan

Courageous, creative illustrator and artisan

The Jewels of Miehana, a bellydancing troupe, selling exotic accessories.

ChunkEBusiness, accessories and art.

Here are a few QTVR panoramas of the apparel vendors, with a trial version of Pano2VR which put little watermarks in them. Drag to the left or right to spin around the room. More apparel vendor pics on the following day.

Pictures in the Hallway

Lesleigh Owen shows off a midnight blue velvet dress

Fashion Show and Auction

We had dinner before the fashion show, which ended with a very pretty dessert of fresh fruit in a multi-chocolate shell.

Now On to the Real Stuff... The Fashion Show!!!

Hosted by Tigress Osborne, modeled, amongst others, by the models of Full Figure Entertainment!

This year the guys got in on the act, modeling some of the offerings from Big Dogs

Auction and Serende

Some of the fashions were shown off, and bid on, in an auction.

One of the DJs from Ashy Breeze Music auctioned a song in the name of the highest bidder.

He demonstrated his talents by serenading Christine...

Click on photo to play video, right-click to download.

Full Figure Entertainment After Hours

Not quite done for the night, the Full Figure Entertainment models gathered in the hallway for a supplemental shoot of some of the threads.

They then unwound by doing a late night demonstration of one of FFE's favorite new songs, The Wobble.

Click on photo to play video, right-click to download.