A couple more airport pictures and a two-jet takeoff.
At the general meeting we got a rundown of the state of the organization and a draft of the Annual Report. In addition to giving us a show of the 40th anniversary video from 2009, we also saw a newer anti-bullying PSA.
We then got a rousing show from Raks Africa, a bellydancing duo in Oakland who have begun using their art in body image workshops for youth, called Your Body Raks!
Kat and I chatted with our friends in the hallway, including longtime South Bay NAAFA members Terri and Bill Weitze. Bill is the editor of NAAFA's national newsletter.
The dance was DJd by Pam Warren, an Oakland legend known as Pam the Funkstress.
Pam is one of the three original members of Boots Riley's radical rap squad The Coup, and makes time in her busy schedule, not only as a DJ but as a chef, to spin for Tigress Osborn's downtown Oakland dance party, Full Figure Entertainment. You'll see the crew of FFE later on. For now here is an interview of Pam the Funkstress by Davey D, also a local legend, who was a host on San Francisco's commercial hip hop station KMEL until he was fired from bringing on guests opposed to attacking Afghanistan, including Oakland's own Congress Representative Barbara Lee, and remains the host of Hard Knock Radio, the hip hop music and politics show on the Pacifica Foundation's flagship station, KPFA.
Los Angeles Chapter president Julianne Wotasik shows off a pretty skirt.